• Always puts the quality at the first place and strictly supervise the product quality of every process.Always puts the quality at the first place and strictly supervise the product quality of every process.


    Salawasna nempatkeun kualitas di tempat munggaran sareng ketat ngawas kualitas produk unggal prosés.
  • Our Factory has grown into a Premier ISO9001:2008 Certified manufacturer of High quality, Cost-Effective productsOur Factory has grown into a Premier ISO9001:2008 Certified manufacturer of High quality, Cost-Effective products


    Pabrik kami parantos dipelak janten Premier ISO9001: 2008 Produsen Certified kualitas High, produk Cost-Effective
  • Dongguan city and has around 180 staffs and 2 factories around 10,000 square meters now.Dongguan city and has around 180 staffs and 2 factories around 10,000 square meters now.


    Kota Dongguan sareng gaduh sakitar 180 staffs sareng 2 pabrik sakitar 10.000 méter pasagi ayeuna.


RAISING-Elec didirikeun taun 2000 perenahna di Kota Houjie, kota Dongguan sareng sakitar 180 staffs sareng 2 pabrik sakitar 10.000 méter pasagi ayeuna. Kami produsen OEM / ODM fokus kana stamping logam sareng mesin & CNC, dina waktos anu sasarengan, kami ogé nyayogikeun jasa pendukung sareng masihan dukungan "one stop" ka para klien pikeun sadaya séri logam, sapertos casting casting, fasteners…